First aid items
- Adhesive tape
- Antiseptic wound cleanser
- Bandages
- Emoillient eye drops
- Insect repellent
- Insect bite treatment
- Nasal decongestant
- Oral rehydration salts
- Scissors
- Safety pins
- Simple analgesia (eg., Paracetamol)
- Sterile dressing
- Clinical thermometer
Additional items according to destination and individual needs
- Anti-diarrheal medication
- Antifungal powder
- Antimalaria medication
- Condoms
- Medication for pre-existing conditions
- Sterile syringes and needles
- Water disinfectant
- Other items to meet foreseeable needs, according to the destination and duration of visit.
Further information
There are a variety of leaflets and information on the following websites: